Thursday, May 10, 2018

Is the Nobel Prize a Lollipop?

When an out-of-control li'l kiddo needs work on his chompers, it's often customary to bribe him with a treat, say a lollipop. That's assuming he's a good boy, and refrains from biting the dental hygienist. In other words, just by behaving, he'll be rewarded.

In the wake of the peace summit between North and South Korea, eighteen members of Congress --- all Republicans --- have actually penned a letter to the Nobel Committee, proposing that Donald J. Trump be given the Nobel Peace Prize. With an extra flourish, The Donald's Senatorial Main Squeeze, Lindsey Graham (R-SC), opined that there would be mass casualties if it happened, because "A lot of liberals would kill themselves if they actually did that!" Not me! I'd just vomit.

There's precious li'l doubt in my mind that Young Master Donald must have been an insufferable brat, constantly in need of attention. The No-Longer-So-Young Master Donald? Still a brat: The planet's most powerful brat, at that! 

So how exactly did No-Longer-So-Young Master Donald contribute to the pan-Korean thaw?  Let's be real. South Korean President Moon Jae-in did the real heavy lifting. He was elected, having promised his constituents that he would seek rapprochement with their immediate neighbors and fellow ethnics. He kept that promise.

On the other hand, until recently, The Most Powerful Brat on the Planet, had been relentlessly engaged in a prolonged pissing match --- a potentially lethal one --- with Kim Jong-un, whom he called "Little Rocket Man." For example, The Donald would bluster, "My penis --- oop, I mean 'nuclear button' is bigger than yours." "Military solutions are now in place, fully locked and loaded, should North Korea act unwisely." And not to be forgotten, he once threatened to unleash "--- fire, fury, and frankly power, the likes of which the world has never seen before."

Now that the two Korean leaders have jointly broken bread, Our Wayward Head-of-State somehow got the message that he needs to make nice with Little Rocket Man. Done!  Now that he's being a good boy, a Nobel Peace Prize may actually be in his future. If so, that's quite a lollipop! 

Come to think of it, suckers have defined much of his life. They still show up at his campaign rallies.

NOTE: This post was conceived before Trump's dreadful decision to scuttle the nuclear agreement with Iran.  Somehow, I doubt that he'd be warmly received in Oslo anymore, Nobel or no Nobel.