Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Mitch the Turtle? I Dunno!

Ever since Mitch McConnell has achieved political fame/infamy, a lot of folks have been cracking wise regarding his perceived facial resemblance to our shell-endowed animal friend known as the turtle. Many refer to him as "McTurtle."

Me? I don't get off on it.  First of all, the guy has very minimal control over his appearance, unlike our Tangerine Toddler-In-Chief. For the record, McConnell once appeared as a guest of Stephen Colbert on his late-night TV gig. The host showed him the photo of a tortoise with his guest's head superimposed over the creature's shell. The senator responded with a big ol' shit-eating grin. "I love it," he cooed. As awful a human being as McConnell may be, he can, apparently take a joke, unlike the thin-skinned Reverse Raccoon residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Here's my second reason for not being real stoked on the McConnell/McTurtle stuff.  It's insulting to turtles!  They're harmless, gentle, environmentally simpatico critters.

Even the ones that snap!