Saturday, September 8, 2012

Republican Voters: Accomplices to Murder(?)

Admittedly,  the declaration in the subject line could be a tad over the top --- well,  maybe more than just a tad.

But consider this:   In the wake of the conventions,  it seems apparent that the parties and their candidates have two starkly contrasting visions of our future.   While the Republicans focus mainly on individual success as the driver of the economy,   the Democrats recognize the vitality of community as well as the role of government --- while still respecting  entrepreneurship and innovation.

However,  as their budget indicates,  the Republicans seem hell-bent on shredding our social safety net.  If they have their way,   funding for Medicare and Medicaid would be sharply reduced,  thereby denying millions of families and individuals access to basic health care.  

If this comes to pass,  we as a nation could well be signing premature death warrants for untold numbers of people who  have the tough luck of becoming seriously ill.  For others,   we may end up killing their spirits by denying them access to a decent education,  and with it,  the opportunity to foster their creativity  --- whether through science or the arts.   And if you happen to be a woman who gets violated,   you're just gonna have to let that li'l kiddo spring forth out of your womb.  

So,  as harsh as this may look in print,  I believe that a case can be made that anyone who votes Republican could,  however unwittingly,  become an accessory to legalized murder:   not by the gun nor the sword,  but  by the stroke of a legislative pen!   

It's supremely,  if not tragically ironic because I don't believe that these folks are evil people.     They may, in fact,  be among your friends and neighbors;  the first ones to help you up when you've fallen,  to console you in time of grief and sorrow.

So,  what accounts for the inconsistency,  the seeming disconnect?   An overdose of Fox News?  Just plain old hide-bound tradition?  Beats me!   

Any thoughts?

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