Monday, December 3, 2012

That "Other 47%"

Last May,  Mitt Romney was videotaped making derogatory remarks about the 47% of households that don't pay federal income tax,  portraying them as "takers,  not makers".  (This, despite the fact that most of these folks pay state,  local,  and payroll taxes).   Recorded at a fund-raiser,  this infamous video was made public a few months later and quickly went viral.

However,  there's another group of "47 percenters"  to consider.   Romney appears to have received 48% of the popular vote.   So,  discounting the 1% or so who would likely have benefitted from his administration's policies and priorities,  there you have it:  that "other 47%".    

I dunno;  from where I sit,  it's mind-boggling that 47%  of all those who cast ballots last month,  were so hot-to-trot to vote against their own best interests.  (Ironically,  there's probably a fair amount of overlap between those 47% who supported Romney and the 47% who didn't pay federal income tax).

What's the deal?   Did  they hate Obama that much?  Or was it a dislike of government?   Beats me.   <hand taps forehead>

1 comment:

  1. Did you see my post about this a few posts back?
    I think I understand what's at work, although the motivations AREN'T reasonable. They would be wise to realize that the super rich have interests that don't coincide with those of the 98%, including mere millionaires. Nothing indicates that your "other 47%" are especially perspicacious, sadly.

    P.S.:Don't break your hand assaulting your forehead.

    All I want for Christmas is a trip away from the fiscal cliff!
