Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Darrell Issa Is At It Again!

America's Self-Anointed Grand Inquisitor refuses to give it a rest!    He's once again attempting to resurrect the alleged singling-out of 96 Tea Party organizations for special review by the IRS.   It's already been well-established that 298 political groups spanning the entire ideological spectrum were flagged during this review.  So once again,  Mr. Issa,  chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee,  is squandering our resources by engaging in one of his favorite activities:  beating a dead horse,  burying it,  digging it up again,  and beating it some more.

This time he's subpoenaed John Koskinen,  the recently appointed head of the IRS.   Apparently a couple years worth of emails got deleted from the system in the Cincinnati office,  the center of this controversy.  For the record,  there is a truly egregious double standard in play here.  The IRS expects us all to maintain impeccable records for seven years,  yet they appear to maintain  a la-la-la attitude in regard to their own record-keeping.   That's a legitimate issue.   But it shouldn't justify a third round of intense inquiry regarding a controversy that's already been settled.   This particular horse has now been so badly beaten that all that remains is a soggy,  gruesome pulp.

Now ---  seeing as how the Good Chairman is so hot to trot to exercise his power,  why not investigate something that really matters?   There's always Dick Cheney,  Paul Wolfowitz,  Paul Bremer and Company.   Remember the lies they concocted to launch a war overseas with tragic consequences?   I dunno,  maybe that's too much of a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I hope all "527s", the designation for political organizations enjoying tax-free status, are abolished eventually. Until then, the waters will seem murky to most, but not me. Only those organizations providing a real service to the needy should escape paying taxes. I truly dislike Mr. Issa, hope he goes the way of Cantor.
