Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Fox News Hothead Anoints Herself a Scholar of Islam

Last week,  a Fox News host named Andrea Tantaros decided to offer us a history lesson:  a brief lecture premised on her insistence that "Islam is a murderous religion."   Citing the videoed execution of American journalist James Foley,   she declared that the history of Islam set a precedent for the death of Mr.  Foley.   "The only thing these people understand is a bullet to the head."  (Italics are mine).

The Asian-American Journalists' Association and the Muslim Public Affairs Council have called for an apology from Fox News  and Ms.  Tantaros.   However,  she refuses to make any effort to temper,  let alone disavow,  what amounts to a genocidal diatribe.

Perhaps a history lesson from a more temperate perspective is in order for "Ms.  Authority On All Matters Islamic."   Hey,  Andrea,   did you ever read about The Spanish Inquisition?  Y'know,   when the entirety of Spanish Jewry was expelled from their ancestral land during the late 1400s --- unless they converted to Christianity.    (Yep,  during that same era, the  Native Americans discovered a rude interloper in their midst  named Christopher Columbus).    Both endeavors appear to have been  bankrolled by Queen Isabella and her hubby Ferdinand.

Well,  Andrea,  the Jews of Spain were presented with three options:   A)  convert,   B)  leave the country,  or  C)  be executed ---  more likely than not,  by some Christian dude under a black hood.   Guess who welcomed  many of the Jews who chose Option B,  while Spain's neighbors to the north and west turned their faces away.   It was the Ottomans.    Those dreaded Muslims!


1 comment:

  1. I'm having problems with posting comments again--thought this browser would do the trick, but-nooo! Will keep trying...NOW it's working, argh! Andrea at Fox Cable (to distinguish it from free broadcast Chicago Fox 32) is part of a growing ignoramus class of TV presenters: What's History got to do with it? (To paraphrase Tina Turner yet again.) A. quite conveniently forgets the horribly inexcusable Christian Crusades and the Catholic-facilitated Inquisitions, etc. I'd love to get the slanted dumbbells off of all public media, but it's just too late...
