It's just a theory.
As far as I know, there hasn't been an uptick in the incidence of concussions following the third and final presidential debate. Still, it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be true.
Some of us, when we hear outrageous statements, have a tendency to react by whacking our foreheads. The Donald, (a.k.a.: His Orangeness), unleashed an entire caravan of whoopers during the course of that debate.
Some glaring examples:
1) Referring to folks whom he believes shouldn't be crossing the border as "bad, bad people," and "bad hombres." <whapp!>
2) In response to Hillary Clinton's suggestion that Trump would be Vladimir Putin's puppet, blurting out, "You're the puppet! You're the puppet." That reminds me of the classic kindergartner's taunt, "I know you are, but what am I?" <slapp!>
3) Reacting to Clinton's criticism of Trump's wailing over rigged elections, The Donald shrieks, "You're such a nasty woman!" <bonk!>
4) When moderator Chris Wallace asks His Royal Orangeness whether or not he'll honor the election results, he declares, "I'll tell you at the time." "I'll keep you in suspense!" <wheeee-whew!!!> <conk!>
And the hand collides with the forehead over and over again, ad infinitum! Those among us who are prone to such reactions need to find an alternative that's, maybe, less concussive, less risky to our long-term health.
I got it! Let's just give our foreheads a gentle, repetitive pat with three, maybe four fingers instead.
There! That's better!
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