Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his minions ain't givin' up! Their determination to eliminate health insurance for millions of our most vulnerable citizens seems to be iron-bound. Heartlessly, soullessly iron-bound!
Ironically, the Republican crusade to Make America Sick Again --- otherwise known as the Better Health Care Act or Trumpcare --- has been stalled by one senator's absence for a spell, owing to his need for emergency surgery. Arizona's senior senator, 80-year-old John McCain had a clot removed from a frontal lobe above his left eye, and will need time to recuperate. Having received the finest medical care available, he's recovering nicely. I wish him well. Maybe, just maybe, he'll undergo an epiphany and discover that he has a moral backbone by casting his ballot to deep-six Trumpcare, this time for keeps. Just three GOP dissenters will do the trick. Two have already committed.
Perhaps an appeal from across the pond might work, not just with Senator McCain, but some already-declared fence-sitters as well, such as Louisiana's recently-elected senator, Bill Cassidy. That's Doctor Bill Cassidy, who co-founded a free clinic in his home state's capitol, Baton Rouge! Very commendable, Doc. Now how about that Hippocratic Oath, "First do no harm?" *
Without further ado, here's Boy George coming at ya, with his 1982 chart-buster, Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? Enjoy!
* According to a reputable Wikipedia source, the actual Latin translation of the oath reads, "I will utterly reject harm and mischief."
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