Monday, September 25, 2017

Trumpcare 3.0: Seriously?

During the waning days of September, Republican senators will try once again to ramrod their latest Trumpcare aberration through the legislative process. It's only been two months since its last crash-landing, the culmination of an effort known as the American Health Care Act (AHCA) or "The Skinny Repeal" [of Obamacare; the 79th attempt overall, maybe?].  

Only this time 'round, the fresh proposal, known as the Graham-Cassidy Bill in honor its Senate co-sponsors, is far more draconian. It eliminates the mandate, enables insurance carriers to charge patients with pre-existing conditions enough to force them into indentured servitude, and ends Medicaid subsidies to the states. Each state will instead be given an unrestricted-use block grant --- at a reduced level of funding, of course. After all, we can't allow HHS Secretary Tom Price to fly coach or ride Amtrak like the rest of us peons, now can we? Perish the thought!

Remember last July's fiasco with "The Skinny Repeal?"  It fell short by one vote; three Republicans joined their Democratic colleagues and deep-sixed it: The Good Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and, in dramatic fashion, John McCain. Ever see a Senate majority leader blubber? Well, neither have I, but Mitch McConnell did get all somber and teary-eyed --- right on the cusp of a marathon man-cry, that could have left the entire Senate chamber waterlogged. Meanwhile, the Orange Caudillo flew into a 71-year-old-man-child's rage, insisting that a new health care bill be passed, seemingly unaware that the legislative process had run its course.

So why does the GOP keep resurrecting their repeated attempts to sink Obamacare? It's like beating a dead horse, burying it, then digging it up and beating it some more. What's the point?

Here's what Chuck Grassley, Iowa's Senior Senator Since Forever, has to say about it:  "Republicans campaigned on this so often, that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign."  Kinda makes sense. It seems as if the Grand Old Party has stitched itself into a tight li'l trick bag.  In order to be true to their word, they must continue to trash Obamacare, which despite its warts, has provided a lifeline to 20 million souls. 

There's precious li'l doubt that Graham-Cassidy is about to be ashcanned, just like its previous incarnations.  Beyond the end of this month, any further attempts to dispatch the  Affordable Care Act will require sixty votes, not just a simple Senate majority.

So, is this really the Republicans' last anti-Obamacare gasp? Who knows!  Many folks made that assumption a couple months ago. Just consider that angry turd (the one wearing the orange fright-wig) that you can't ever flush down.

Let's keep those plungers handy, folks.


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